Ousted Myanmar lawmakers and opponents of the military junta hitherto constituting the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw have officially announced the formation of a National Unity Government (NUG) as part of a push to restore democracy in the country and end the military coup d’état begun on February 1.
The President of this parallel civilian authority is U Win Myint, Myanmar’s ousted former President. Similarly, its State Counselor is Aung San Suu Kyi who was overthrown by the military. The NUG aims to carry out the duties entrusted to it by the citizenry of Myanmar and return to the pre-coup functioning of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the country’s bicameral legislature.
The NUG has said it will implement the demands set out in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Statement No. (1/2021) issued on 3 February 2021. It calls for the release of all detainees which includes Win Myint and Suu Kyi. It advises international parliaments and diplomats to contact it, saying it will be responsible for forming a government and working with the United Nations as well as other members of the international community.
Commentators in the international community have called for the NUG’s legitimacy to be recognized.
General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, Sharan Burrow, commented:
This is the legitimate government of Myanmar reflecting the will of the people as expressed in the November elections. The international trade union movement [recognizes] its legitimacy and so should the entire international community. The military junta, which is continuing its murderous campaign against the people of Myanmar, should be completely isolated. Governments should have nothing to do with it and all businesses must sever any economic ties they have with the military. Failure to do so means direct complicity in mass murder of people who yearn for democracy and freedom from violent oppression.
Burrow’s view is reportedly shared by several nations. The NUG’s Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration, Lwin Ko Latt, told local media that several countries will soon endorse the NUG as Myanmar’s legitimate government and eschew the military junta.