Senate votes to advance Barrett Supreme Court nomination

Senate Republicans voted Sunday to advance the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. A final confirmation hearing is expected to happen on Monday.

The 51-48 vote to advance the nomination was largely across party lines. Two Republicans, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, voted against advancing the nominee, and all Democrats who voted were opposed.

Murkowski is expected to vote in favor of Barrett in the final confirmation hearing. “While I oppose the process that has led us to this point, I do not hold it against her,” she said. Collins said she will vote against appointing Barrett because it is too close to the presidential election.

Democrats have objected to Barrett’s nomination, believing it is too close to the presidential election and that the people should decide. “The Republican Party is willing to ignore the pandemic in order to rush this nominee forward,” said Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.

In 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Barrett as an appeals court judge. Before her appeals court confirmation, Barrett was a professor at Notre Dame Law School.