Breonna Taylor grand jury proceedings made public News
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Breonna Taylor grand jury proceedings made public

The Jefferson County Circuit Court in Kentucky released the recordings of the Grand Jury proceedings in the Breonna Taylor case on Friday.

Lousiville police officers killed Taylor in a raid on her apartment in March. Last week Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced that the Grand Jury had indicted only one of the officers involved in for wanton endangerment, rather than for Taylor’s death. Following the announcement and an anonymous juror’s suggestion, Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge Ann Bailey Smith ordered the recordings to be filed with the court.

Such recordings are typically kept private. The Kentucky AG’s office also filed an un-redacted version of the recordings with the court under seal. The submitted audio consists of about fifteen hours of proceedings that were recorded over two-and-a-half days. The lengthy recording contains the AG’s office presentation of evidence to the Grand Jury.

The recordings were filed on Friday morning by the Office of Special Prosecutions ahead of the deadline imposed by a judge. Cameron had filed a Motion for an Extension earlier this week to properly redact names, addresses, and phone numbers from the recording, which the judge granted.

Cameron, who has been under scrutiny for his handling of the case following his announcement last week, released a statement:

I’m confident that once the public listens to the recordings, they will see that our team presented a thorough case to the Jefferson County Grand Jury. Our presentation followed the facts and the evidence, and the Grand Jury was given a complete picture of the events surrounding Ms. Taylor’s death on March 13th.