House Judiciary Committee votes to issue subpoenas related to Mueller report News
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House Judiciary Committee votes to issue subpoenas related to Mueller report

The US House Judiciary Committee voted 24-17 along party lines Wednesday to issue subpoenas related to the Mueller Report and President Donald Trump’s inner circle.

The amendment authorizes Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) to subpoena both documents and testimony. The amendment first authorizes subpoenas for documents and testimony related to:

1. Final report authored by the Office of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, pursuant to Order No. 3915-2017, and any accompanying exhibits, annexes, tables, appendices, other attachments, and all evidence referenced in the report; and
2. Underlying evidence collected, materials prepared, or documents used by the Office of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III in the investigation conducted pursuant to Order No. 3915-2017.

In sum, the first half of the measure authorizes subpoenas for the complete and unredacted Mueller report with appropriate testimony thereof and the second half calls for documents and testimony of five individuals who may have received Mueller investigation documents. Those individuals are Donald F. McGahn II, Steven Bannon, Hope Hicks, Reince Preibus, and Ann Donaldson.

These subpoenas were issued after the Attorney General William Barr refused to deliver the full report to Congress by April 2 at the request of six Congressional Committee Chairs. Democratic leaders have been contemplating subpoenas since the attorney general released his letter summarizing the Mueller report on March 25. Barr then sent an update to the Congressional Judiciary Committee Chairs Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) March 29, in response to calls to testify before the committees.