Florida adds Walgreens and CVS to opioids lawsuit News
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Florida adds Walgreens and CVS to opioids lawsuit

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi on Friday amended an opioids lawsuit adding Walgreens and CVS as defendants, alleging that both companies participated in creating an illegitimate demand for opioids while “unlawfully increasing the supply of opioids to meet that demand.”

The lawsuit alleges that along with the other defendants, Walgreens and CVS collaborated in “unconscionable efforts” in order to inflate the supply and demand for opioids.

Bondi declared on Friday that both companies “failed in their duties under Florida law to stop suspicious orders of opioids they received” and instead “dispensed unreasonable quantities of opioids from their pharmacies.”

The amended lawsuit also add Insys Therapeutics, Inc., alleging that the company provided kickbacks to doctors to incentivize them to write prescriptions for opioids.

The lawsuit was filed in May against some of the largest opioid distributors and manufacturers.