[JURIST] Moazamm Begg [Wikipedia profile; JURIST news archive], a UK national formerly detained at Guantanamo Bay, has told the Associated Press that rampant racism in Britain, a lack of assimilation in certain communities, anger over US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, and conditions in Guantanamo may have contributed to the motivations of those involved in the London bombings earlier this month [JURIST report]. After Britain negotiated his release Begg, 37, came forward with allegations of torture and abuse by US personnel, claiming his captors had threatened his family, killed other prisoners, and interrogated him more than 250 times [JURIST report]. He says that conditions at the camp have lately been a major concern in Britain's Muslim community. Although the identity of the London bombers is now known, there is little evidence as yet of their actual motivations. AP has more.