Report on anti-terror bill and human rights [UK Parliament] News
Report on anti-terror bill and human rights [UK Parliament]

Joint Committee on Human Rights — Tenth Report, UK Parliament, March 5, 2005 [report warning that the proposed Prevention of Terrorism Bill does not comply with human rights laws]. Excerpt:

We therefore question whether the degree of prior judicial involvement provided for in the Government's amendments in relation to derogating control orders is compatible with the Convention requirement that deprivations of liberty must be lawful. We question whether an ex parte hearing to determine whether there is a prima facie case for making a control order, followed by an inter partes hearing which is still not fully adversarial because of the use of special advocates in closed sessions, constitutes a sufficient safeguard against arbitrary detention to satisfy the basic requirement of legality.

Read the full text of the report here [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.