BREAKING NEWS ~ Florida Senate votes down Schiavo bill News
BREAKING NEWS ~ Florida Senate votes down Schiavo bill

[JURIST] The Florida Senate has just voted against SB 804 [bill summary] that would have prohibited the suspension of sustenance or hydration of a person in persistent vegetative state when family members disagree on the course of action based on alleged prior oral statements of the person and where that person left no prior written directive. The bill might have allowed Terri Schiavo's feeding tube to be reconnected, although some legislators denied that possibility given the restrictive way the bill was drafted (probihiting removal, whereas Schiavo's feeding tube has already been removed). JURIST has coverage of the Florida Senate debate [JURIST report] and an extensive news archive on the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case.

5:08 PM ET – The bill was defeated 21-18. AP now has more.