[JURIST] The Motion Picture Association of America [MPAA; industry website] launched a second round of lawsuits on Wednesday against online movie downloaders. The latest lawsuits follow up a round of November actions and will target individuals as well as websites dedicated to movie swapping. As a result of the litigation, many large file sharing like Suprnova.org and Yourceff.com websites have reportedly shut down. Lokitorrent.com [corporate website] remains online and is soliciting donations from users to put towards legal fees of the MPAA lawsuit. The MPAA today also presented free software, developed by Danish company DtecNet Software [corporate website], to scan for file sharing programs and copyrighted music and movies. The software tool has been criticized by some for failing to distinguish between illegally and legally acquired copyrighted material such as Mirc, Mercora, and Apple's iTunes. CNET has more.