
On June 24, 2022, in the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson decision, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a 5-4 decision, posing a risk to the reproductive rights of millions of American women. Though of course, the debate is limited in many ways to US constitutional laws and practices, it also draws on [...]

Wikipedia / CC

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military invasion, essentially declaring war against the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine — an operation broadly seen as a continuation of the 2014 annexation of Crimea and the subsequent conflict in the Donbas and Luhansk regions. Immediately following the Russian invasion, the Government of Ukraine [...]


JURIST Deputy Features Editor Jaimee Francis talked with Shai Dromi, author of Above the Fray: The Red Cross and the Construction of the Humanitarian Relief Sector (University of Chicago Press, 2022) and co-author of Moral Minefields: How Sociologists Debate Good Science (University of Chicago Press, forthcoming), about his research on the impact of non-governmental organizations [...]

Dmytro Kuleba // Twitter

Following last week’s discovery of a mass grave containing some 450 bodies in the Ukrainian town of Izium, questions of international criminal culpability loom heavily. “Russia left behind mass graves of hundreds of shot and tortured people in the Izium area. In the 21st century, such attacks against the civilian population are unthinkable and abhorrent. [...]

RitaE / Pixabay

On one hand, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) designates access to nutritious foods as a social determinant of health — a factor, like economic stability and education, that has a major impact on the US population’s health, well-being, and quality of life. But on the other, free market ideals and resistance [...]


Since February 2021, Myanmar has remained under the thumb of a brutal military dictatorship. The coup d’état that hoisted the country’s military leadership — the Tatmadaw — into power has bad incalculable consequences on an economy already compromised by the COVID pandemic. What’s happening with Myanmar’s economy? Since the Tatmadaw seized power, the country’s currency, [...]


JURIST Deputy Features Editor Jaimee Francis talked with Professor Megan Boyd of Georgia State University College of Law about her research on the intersection of children’s literature and the law, with a focus on book bans. Below is a transcript of their conversation, which has been edited for clarity. JURIST: What is children’s literature? Boyd: [...]

Wikimedia Commons / JURIST / CC

Mass protests and a presidential ouster have hoisted Sri Lanka into the international spotlight through much of 2022. But have these societal upheavals improved matters for the island nation, and placed it on track for a brighter future? The answer may depend on who you ask, and how they think Sri Lanka could stand to [...]


Indian scholar Dadabhai Naoroji championed the theory of the ‘drain of wealth.’ The drain of wealth referred to the ‘tribute’ or the unrequited transfer of resources from the colony to the colonial metropolis. In other words, this theory refers to a portion of the national product of India which was not available for consumption by [...]


A Biblical Lesson  According to Mark 2:22 in the King James Bible: “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins.  Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined.” There was a sound basis for this parable.  In ancient times, leather flasks were used to hold [...]