Legal Developments Explored In-Depth

Months have passed since the Taliban reclaimed control of Afghanistan amid the chaotic final chapter of the United States’ 20-year war in the country. Yet many thousands of the Afghan citizens who provided critical assistance to Washington and other foreign governments and international organizations over the past two decades now find themselves targeted for this [...]

12019 / Pixabay

On November 4, 2021, US Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) announced the introduction of S.3175 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Advancing American Artificial Intelligence Innovation Act of 2021 to Congress. Although the stated goal of S. 3175 is to ensure private companies have access to accurate data so they can better meet Department of Defense [...]


As conservation organizations and governments around the globe grapple with the devastating effects of climate change and overexploitation, the legal battle fought over the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), one of the world’s most endangered large whale species, may provide insights into how litigation can help—or hinder—efforts to save species from extinction. [...]


As the diplomatic and military consequences of the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan continue to unfold, the true human cost remains immeasurable. Months after the last US forces departed from Kabul, leaving the country under Taliban rule, many face persecution for having upheld the very democratic ideals Washington and its allies spent two decades fostering [...]


Businesses are poring over the details of the Artificial Intelligence Act (“AIA” or “Regulation”), the legislative proposal for regulating applications of artificial intelligence (AI) that the European Commission proposed back in April. Comments on the proposed legal framework continue to pour in. Professional groups, trade unions, businesses and the business community in Europe and across [...]


What do the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the Ahmaud Arbery trial, and Charlottesville’s Unite the Right trial have in common?  In addition to the considerable media attention they have garnered, and proximity to several other parallel social justice issues, these trials have sparked conversations about the role of race in jury selection.  The rise of big [...]

Left-photo of Maruf Hashimi, provided to JURIST; right-photo of armed Taliban in Kabul in Aug. 2021 © WikiMedia ( VOA)

On Sunday, a group of young Afghan lawyers gathered in a Kabul hotel to hold a press conference about the importance of an independent legal profession and respect for the rule of law in Afghanistan. As they prepared to go live, their plans were thwarted by two carloads of armed Taliban. This was the latest [...]


As a student preparing to enter her final year of legal studies in Afghanistan, Azad* felt that her future held infinite possibilities. The drive and talent that had propelled her top academic performance, paired with the sense that her country was at the dawn of a new era of good governance, had imbued her with [...]

Twitter // Saurabh Kirpal

Saurabh Kirpal is on track to becoming India’s first openly gay judge. Last week, the country’s Supreme Court recommended the nomination of Kirpal, a senior advocate and self-described “accidental LGBTQ activist,” to serve as a judge in the Delhi High Court, in what is considered by many to be a significant equal rights milestone—the latest [...]


When it comes to the performances of companies and financial markets around the world, the influences of climate change and social issues cannot be understated. Toward this end, investors are increasingly prioritizing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, with climate change broadly understood to be among the most imminent threats. The U.S. Securities and Exchange [...]