Legal Developments Explored In-Depth

Kazakhstan, the world’s third largest Bitcoin mining hub, recently enacted its robust new Law on Digital Assets. In this explainer, we consider how the law, along with a slew of amendments to related laws, has the potential to catapult Kazakhstan to the forefront of digital asset regulation, as well as having profound implications for the [...]


For years, Sri Lanka has occupied the international spotlight for one of its contentious laws—the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA). The PTA was introduced in 1979 during the Sri Lankan Civil War using the emergency law provisions in Part II of the Public Security Ordinance. While similar laws exist in other nations, showing widespread acceptance [...]


As an underdeveloped country, Myanmar has long been vulnerable to corporate crimes. Since the country’s transition to democracy in 2010, it has faced pressure to implement effective reforms and regulations for companies, particularly in relation to foreign investments. One crucial aspect of these reforms has been the protection of human rights (HR) violated by corporations. [...]

Maryam // JURIST

Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab is a lawyer, human rights advocate, and author, as well as a co-founder of the Coalition for Genocide Response. She has collaborated with international and domestic partners to provide legal assistance to women at risk in Afghanistan and has been involved in evacuating 103 women at risk from the country. In [...]

Paz Burd for JURIST

This is the second installment of a two-part feature. In Part 1, I have extensively described Israel’s governmental structure and the proposed reform. In Part 2, I will delve into the events that have taken place since the night of March 26, 2023: Massive anti-overhaul protests have been ongoing for an extended period of time. [...]

Paz Burd for JURIST

Last month, protests in Israel challenging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed judicial reforms reached a boiling point. On March 26, after weeks of mounting pressure, the Security Minister, Yoav Gallant, took to national news to announce his opposition to the ongoing legislation. He declared that the proposed changes posed a danger to Israel’s national security [...]

Wikimedia Commons // Public Domain

A new report released by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) has dubbed 2022 the “Year of the Botched Execution,” shedding light on critical issues that mire the capital punishment process in the US — including racial discrimination and problems with prosecutorial accountability. The report highlights that botched executions and protocol errors have led to [...]


On March 16, 2022, after the tragic events of January’s political unrest, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addressed the nation with a message entitled “New Kazakhstan: the Path of renewal and modernization,” in which the President presented a number of political reforms. It is worth noting that during the first two years [...]


Last week, the national union representing waste and sanitation workers in France gave notice of an encore round of strikes set to start the day before the next step of the unpopular retirement reform’s legislative process: this Friday, April 14, the Conseil constitutionnel is expected to either validate or suppress all or some of the bill that had [...]