jorono / Pixabay

The New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy published in June an extensive report concluding that there is strong evidence to suggest that all sides of the 2020-2022 Tigray war committed war crimes – and that Ethiopian and allied forces committed crimes against humanity and acts of genocide against the Tigrayan people. The 80,000 word [...]


A “people’s court” known as The Court of the Citizens of the World confirmed crimes against humanity and genocide charges against Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims and ethnic Tibetans. This tribunal, comprised of Former Ambassador for War Crimes Stephen Rapp, Former Madela appointee before the Constitutional Court of South Africa [...]


Edited by: James Joseph | Managing Editor for Long-Form Content The author, a Pakistani law student studying in the UK, argues that Pakistan’s judicial system is undergoing a transformative digital revolution aimed at improving efficiency, transparency, and accessibility, through initiatives such as the National Judicial Automation Program and e-Court systems. Despite facing challenges like limited [...]


As of June 21, 2024, the prison population in England and Wales had almost reached its limit, standing at 87,395, according to figures released by the Ministry of Justice. This is stark in itself, but the size of the crisis is exacerbated further when pitted against a “usable operational capacity” of 88,778. This leaves less [...]


Edited by: James Joseph | Managing Editor for Long-Form Content In some European Union nations, the forced sterilisation of people with disabilities is still a widespread and concerning practice that blatantly violates their fundamental rights and human dignity. The scope of forced sterilisation in the EU was discovered through a study carried out by the [...]

Anna Corbett

This interview provides an overview of advocacy efforts to secure the release of Ryan Corbett, a US citizen who the Taliban have detained in Afghanistan for over two years, his health deteriorating drastically as a result. JURIST’s Managing Editor for Long Form Content James Joseph interviewed Corbett’s Washington-based lawyer Ryan Fayhee and UK Barrister Kate [...]

ELG21 / Pixabay

World leaders gathered in Switzerland for a two-day summit over the weekend in an attempt to create a peace plan to end the conflict in Ukraine.  The peace summit on Ukraine brought together representatives from 101 countries and international organizations with a shared goal of resolving the conflict through dialogue, global cooperation, and adherence to international [...]

Kevin Nha, Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

In a historic turn of events, an international diplomacy maneuver resulted in a rare prisoner swap that saw both Sweden and Iran gain the freedom of notable detainees. The exchange raised brows on the global stage due to the release of Iranian prison official Hamid Nouri, who was found guilty in a Swedish Court of [...]

Per Krohg, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Since the UN’s establishment in 1945, the body has been pivotal in maintaining global peace and security. A critical instrument in its arsenal is the ceasefire resolution, primarily used by the UN Security Council (UNSC) as a vehicle for showing the overriding will of the Council in times when tensions are high. These resolutions often [...]

THE LION ROCK, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Former UK judges Lord Collins of Mapesbury and Lord Sumption have reportedly resigned from their positions as judges in the Hong Kong Courts. The former UK Supreme Court justice Lord Sumption has, according to the Financial Times, promised to make a statement “in due course.” The news of Lord Collins’s resignation was broken Thursday morning [...]