Romania’s Parliament passed a law Tuesday that will prevent COVID-19 patients from leaving hospitals. From February through June, Romania’s government used cabinet decrees to hospitalize those who were infected and to quarantine or home-isolate those thought to have been exposed to COVID-19. In early July, Romania’s Constitutional Court determined the government could not enforce mandatory [...]

Boskampi / Pixabay

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday announced the indictment of two hackers, Li Xiaoyu and Dong Jiazhi, for attempting to steal COVID-19 research. Both hackers currently work for Guangdong Province International Affairs Research Center in China. The indictment alleges that the two have been stealing terabytes of data over the course of 10 [...]


The Florida Education Association (FEA), Florida’s largest teachers union, filed a lawsuit Monday against Governor Ron DeSantis, Commissioner Richard Corcoran, the Florida Department of Education and the Florida Board of Education to stop the reopening of schools and in-person classes. Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Education, issued an order on July 6, [...]

coyot / Pixabay

In an escalation of tension over the COVID-19 response on Thursday, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is suing Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms over a mask mandate. Kemp claims that his July 15 executive order made it clear that masks are strongly encouraged but not mandated. Kemp’s order prohibits local governments from instituting mandates more restrictive [...]


US District Judge Allison D. Burroughs announced Tuesday that the Department of Homeland Security has agreed to rescind its controversial new rule that would have prohibited international students taking university courses entirely online during the COVID-19 pandemic from staying in the US. The parties in Harvard v. US Department of Homeland Security informed the court that [...]