Commentaries by Louis Rene Beres

Among several noteworthy and interrelated Helsinki summit policy derelictions – most obviously, Vladimir Putin’s still unpunished aggressions in Crimea – US President Donald Trump chose to ignore America’s binding legal obligations regarding Russian war crimes in Syria. This sorely evident disregard reflects not “merely” willful antipathy to pertinent international law, but also a concurrent indifference [...]

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US President Donald Trump traveled to Singapore to negotiate urgent nuclear matters, and not to discuss North Korean violations of basic human rights. Nonetheless, any such willful US indifference to these violations in another country, especially when they are as stark and egregious as they are in North Korea, represents a sorely grievous disregard for [...]


Nullum crimen sine poena,  “No crime without a punishment.” – Nuremberg Tribunal, Final Judgment, 1946 Whether formally codified or merely personal, memory must always lie at the heart of justice. Today, however, almost no one remembers the myriad threats and actual missile attacks once launched at Israel from Iraq. Indeed, virtually no one even remembers [...]

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“Where will it end? When will it all be lulled back into sleep, and cease, the bloody hatreds, the destruction?” -Aeschylus, presenting the conclusion of Agamemnon If US President Donald Trump should sometime manage to re-start the cancelled nuclear summit talks with Kim Jung Un, his core focus should be on achieving stable nuclear deterrence, [...]


"JURIST Guest Columnist Louis René Beres of Purdue University, discusses the War in Syria and the potential escalation of future global conflicts ...     "Where will it end? When will it all be lulled back into sleep, and cease,...