ELG21 / Pixabay

Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine has sparked a strong international reaction, with most states referring to the actions of the Russian army as war crimes. A number of parliaments and heads of states have recognized that yet another international crime—genocide—is being committed by the occupant’s troops. Poland’s parliament—the Sejm—was the first to pass a resolution [...]


Over the past ten years the world of international investigations has changed. With the advent of a more expansive web with Google, the worldwide reach of social media, the private use of various highly technical equipment from satellites to ground and infra-red sensors, among many methods of data collection, to include data mining and even [...]


On March 24, 2022 the Ohio Supreme Court denied Ohio Senator Vernon Sykes’ and Ohio House Minority Leader Allison Russo’s motion to move Ohio’s May 3 primary to a later date. Their motion followed the Ohio Supreme Court’s March 16 decision striking down the Ohio Redistricting Commission’s second stab at drawing non-partisan maps for Ohio’s [...]

Wikimedia Commons / GoToVan

After having taken regional peace for granted for almost 80 years, or at least, having conceived war as an external and far away threat to a much-coveted equilibrium, on Thursday, February 26, Europe woke up stunned and dazed by the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. In the framework of a comprehensive and largely unprecedented financial, [...]

©VOA, Public Domain

The international community and the United States spent billions of dollars on rebuilding the Afghan legal and judicial system and improving the rule of law and governance over the past two decades. However, after the Taliban takeover, any such progress and achievements quickly disappeared and the foundations for the Afghan legal system that had been [...]


The Senate recently confirmed antitrust attorney Jonathan Kanter to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice Antitrust Division. Google, which has a history of anti-competitive conduct running afoul of state, federal, and international regulators, promptly demanded that Kanter recuse himself from the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation of and litigation against Google, based [...]


Introduction: “Climate Change Crisis as a Child Crisis” On October 11, the UN Child Rights Committee (the Committee) ruled on a historic communications procedure brought forward by 16 children (plaintiffs) against Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey for failing to prevent and mitigate the consequences of climate change (Nos. 104-108/2019). Although the State parties have [...]


Starting from August 5th, the Taliban marched across Afghanistan in only ten days, seizing control of villages and cities across the country. They eventually took over the entire country on August 15th. After conquering the presidential palace, the historical seat of Afghan power, Taliban officials declared the establishment of an Islamic Emirate, vowing to re-configure the [...]