Content Warning – This piece discusses law and policy around child sexual assault. India witnessed yet another episode of toxic masculinity and a predominant rape culture thriving with the youth of the country, and not just the illiterate or disadvantaged, but educated, young children. Yes. On Sunday, certain screenshots of a chat group on the [...]

(c) Michael Sikand

This article is adapted from “Our Future: Looking Beyond with Michael Sikand”, a podcast for young leaders that explores the key questions driving the future of business, technology, and policy. In “Episode 1: The Future of I.D.”, Susan Dworak, Founder and CEO of Real Identities, discusses how her company has changed the way businesses and [...]


On 24th March, 2020, the Government of India announced a lockdown throughout the nation in an effort to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the largest such lockdown globally. With each passing day of the lockdown, India like other countries, is witnessing a rise in cases of domestic violence against women. In India however, [...]


As the entire world is groped by the life threatening Coronavirus, our Prime Minister launched the PM CARES Fund through a thread of tweets on March 28, 2020 to gather public contributions to fight against the pandemic. Within the first 15 minutes of the launch of the fund, it began receiving huge donations. Within 25 [...]


In light of the economic outlook during the COVID-19 outbreak, the availability of credit in the market will decide the sustainability of a country. India has taken caution to combat “opportunistic takeovers/acquisitions” by tightening its foreign direct investment (FDI) rules for all border-sharing nations. This has particularly affected China, due to its major role in [...]


The recent judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya, allowed for a claim to be filed against a Canadian company for human rights violations and breaches of customary international law (CIL) abroad. The legal development realized corporate liability for human rights violations, which is necessary given that human rights [...]


The “doctrine of frustration” and “force majeure” have become crucial facets of law in the time of the global pandemic, COVID-19, and have become crucial facets of contracts and accountability. Section 32 and section 56 of Indian Contract Act, 1872 play an important role in this. Introduction: The spread of Coronavirus had an enigmatic repercussion [...]


Students in our National Security Law course quickly learn that this area of the law is governed primarily by abstract constitutional rules, specific statutory grants of authority, and relatively little useful caselaw. Indeed, perhaps in no other area of the law has the Supreme Court deferred so explicitly to the perceived advantages and competence of [...]


“The lockdown is a huge downside for victims exposed relentlessly to their abusers.” -Sanya Talwar It has been said that extenuation for violence will never end. Women have always been the worst sufferers of violence. Disasters, economic crises, and wars have all proven to be more fateful for women than men and exacerbate gender inequality. [...]