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Arizona & SB 1070 On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act into law, following the bill's quick approval in both the Arizona House and Senate. More commonly referred to...


On April 25, 2012, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Arizona v. United States. On June 25, 2012, the Court decided the legal fate of Arizona's highly controversial immigration laws, more commonly referred to as...


D During his 2008 presidential campaign, President Barack Obama began advocating the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and holding civilian trials for detainees. Soon after his November 2008 election, reports revealed that Obama's advisers had already begun working...


Allegations of harsh interrogations and torture have been consistent in the decade since Guantanamo Bay began housing prisoners. Former detainees subsequently voiced abuse accusations, including Sami-al-Leithy, Murat Kurnaz, Mohammed El Gharani, Mubarak Hussain bin Abul Hasim and Binyam Mohamed. Detainees...


On October 7, 2001, following the beginning of the War on Terror, the US military began detaining hundreds of suspected terrorists. Many of those captured were designated "enemy combatants" — a label coined by the administration of President George W....


Guantanamo Bay was leased to the US by Cuba on February 23, 1903, as part of the Cuban-American Treaty. Although the US maintained a military presence at Guantanamo Bay since the Spanish-American War, the perpetual lease allowed the US military...


Shale gas deposits have been identified across the US and drilling efforts had begun as early as the 1940s. As natural gas extraction intensified in the early twenty-first century and environmental concerns gained publicity, some landowners filed lawsuits, particularly in...


Since 2005, there has been a great deal of state legislation passed codifying restrictions on the natural gas industry. Some states chose to embrace precautionary policy and set ground rules for the industry as the natural gas boom was just...


Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has been at the center of much debate in the past decade. The process has had an enormous impact on the energy industry in the US, particularly with regard to natural gas markets. Natural gas will...


Public understanding of the shape and direction of affirmative action has been influenced primarily by US Supreme Court decisions. However, affirmative action litigation decided in state courts and federal courts other than the Supreme Court has also had a lasting...