Search Results for: warren hill

In the final analysis, human fragmentation into separate and competitively hostile states is unnatural. Because it is contrary to intellectual understanding and natural law, such fragmentation always makes it impossible to fashion a just and survivable global order. Ipso facto, it also renders impossible any long-term American future. What should be done? Suitable transformations are [...]


“The dust from which the first man was created was gathered in all four corners of the earth.”          – Talmud Reforming International Law In the midst of Russia’s escalating crimes against Ukraine, the United States and other nations have one widely  overlooked obligation: To re-examine and re-conceptualize core elements of authoritative [...]


“Where there is no Common Power, there is no Law….” Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Chapter XIII The “State of Nature” as “State of War” From its modern beginnings in the seventeenth century – more precisely, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 – international law has presumed firm distinctions between “national interest” and “world interest.” Rather [...]


“Hic Sunt Dracones” – the Hunt-Lenox Globe, 1504 “Friction is the difference between war on paper, and war as it actually is.” – Carl von Clausewitz, On War Once again, on October 9, 2020, with immodest displays of tangible hardware, North Korea mocked Donald Trump’s lingering expectations of “denuclearization.” Here, in Pyongyang, President Kim Jong [...]


Senate Democrats blocked the coronavirus economic rescue package on Sunday because the package favored corporations and did not do enough to support aid individuals facing unemployment and loss of income. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was introduced by Senate Republicans on Thursday. The CARES Act was estimated to inject nearly [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Stephen Cooper discusses Proposition 62...No righteous, freedom-loving Californian believes human beings should be executed for possessing or selling pot. Indeed, we rightly cringe at the megalomaniac entreaties (such as, kill drug dealers and "I'll give you a...