Search Results for: snowden

Julian Assange is an Australian hacker, famous for revealing US secrets relating to war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. A whole cache of classified information was published by Assange’s organization WikiLeaks, which revealed the details of the ruthless murders of innocent civilians and the capture of hundreds of innocent civilians in the US’s Guantanamo [...]


Federal prosecutors in Brazil filed a criminal complaint Tuesday accusing journalist Glenn Greenwald of being part of a criminal organization that hacked the mobile phones of prosecutors and other public officials last year. On his website, The Intercept Brazil, Greenwald published several stories based on the information that had been leaked to him by the [...]


A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the federal government is entitled to proceeds from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden’s new memoir and several speeches because he did not submit the material to federal agencies in advance. Snowden formerly worked as a contract employee of both the Central Intelligence (CIA) Agency and the National Security Agency [...]


The US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Edward Snowden for publishing a book, Permanent Record, in violation of non-disclosure agreements he had with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA). The complaint alleges that the book was published without first being submitted to the agencies for review. Snowden allegedly [...]


The UK Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that decisions by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) are subject to judicial review.  Prior to the ruling, IPT decisions could only be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. The IPT was established in 2000 to provide an avenue for redress for anyone who feels that they have [...]


The European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday that the UK’s bulk interception program violated Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, the article pertaining to the respect of private life. The court held that the bulk interception program violated Article 8: as there was insufficient oversight both of the selection of Internet [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held simultaneous hearings Tuesday regarding the UK's practice of intercepting private communications in large amounts, which was leaked by Edward Snowden . The cases, brought by...