Search Results for: sharia

Far-right movements gaining popularity in many European countries are primarily anti-immigrant and anti-Islam. This study examines Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), a far-right political party in Germany. Founded in 2013, the party launched the AfD manifesto, a public document approved at its Federal Party Congress held in Stuttgart from April 30 to May 1 2016. Presently, [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Friday decried an Iraqi draft law that would permit marriages of children as young as nine years old. The draft, an amendment to Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Law, was officially brought before the Iraqi Parliament on August 4, 2023 by Ra’ad al-Maliki. It seeks to amend Article 7(1) of the [...]


In August 2021, the Taliban regained control of the Afghan capital of Kabul. In the two decades that had passed since their previous rule, a generation of women and girls experienced the gradual but powerful onset of expanded rights and freedoms. After the Taliban’s resurgence, these rights were systematically dismantled vis-a-vis the regime’s strict interpretation [...]


The author, a visiting scholar at Cornell University School of Law, explores the impact on three years of since the Taliban banned education for girls in Afghanistan. It has been three years that the Taliban imposed a ban on secondary and university education for girls in Afghanistan. The initial ban was decreed by the Taliban’s [...]


The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) released a report regarding human rights in the country on Tuesday, providing reports of arbitrary arrest, torture, and killings. UNAMA’s latest report is based on monitoring undertaken by its Human Rights Service and covers the period from April to June 2024. UNAMA Human Rights documented “at least [...]


A group affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is abducting boys in northern Mozambique and using them to fight against government forces, in violation of an international ban on the use of child soldiers, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported on Wednesday. HRW stated that an armed group known as Al-Shabab, an [...]


The Indian Supreme Court stayed the Uttar Pradesh state’s Allahabad High Court’s (AHC) order on Friday, holding Uttar Pradesh state legislation for the establishment and regulation of Islamic education schools, called Madarsas, is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court bench, comprising the Chief Justice of India (CJI), stayed the AHC order while hearing a batch of petitions against [...]