Search Results for: rwanda

UN Special Rapporteur Mary Lawlor warned on Wednesday that human rights defenders are increasingly targeted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), especially in the eastern region of the country, amid intensifying armed conflict. Lawlor said that human rights defenders in the DRC are continuously intimidated, attacked and killed even though authorities have been [...]


The UN General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution last week establishing a commemoration day for the 1995 killings of more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica and to formally recognize the event as genocide. Proposed by Germany and Rwanda, two countries with a unique history dealing with genocide in the 20th century, and [...]


The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a resolution designating July 11 as the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide in 1995. The resolution was adopted by a recorded vote of 84 in favor, 19 against, and 68 abstentions. It designates July 11 as the “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration [...]


Rwanda denied on Saturday claims made by US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller accusing its forces of an attack targeting the Mugunga camp for internally displaced persons (IDP) in Goma, a city in east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Rwandan government released a statement arguing the accusations, made without any investigation, are [...]


Asylum Aid, a leading UK charity providing free legal advice and representation to asylum seekers and refugees, announced on Friday that it was launching legal action against the Home Office’s Safety of Rwanda plan to “ensure that all individual cases against removal to Rwanda are properly considered.” The charity said its legal action against the [...]


London’s Metropolitan Police arrested 45 protestors on Thursday during an attempt to stop the government moving asylum seekers to the Bibby Stockholm barge. Those arrested were detained for offenses including obstruction of the highway, obstructing police and assault on officers.  The protestors were attempting to prevent the removal of asylum seekers from a London hotel [...]


The UK National Crime Agency (NCA) announced on Friday that two men were arrested and charged with immigration offenses over English Channel crossings which led to the death of five migrants on a beach in France, including a child. The charges against the two men include assisting unlawful immigration and attempting to arrive in the [...]


King Charles III has given his assent to the UK government’s legislation which will allow asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda. The Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill 2024 received Royal Assent on Thursday and will now become law in the UK. Royal assent is the final stage in the British legislative process, [...]


The UK’s Parliament on Tuesday approved the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill, which would declare Rwanda a “safe country” in order to send certain asylum seekers there while they await their applications to be assessed. The bill would enable the deportation of irregular migrants under the UK-Rwanda international treaty on asylum partnership. The [...]