Search Results for: right-to-work

Thousands of women on Saturday took to the streets of the Brazilian city of São Paulo in sweeping opposition to a legislative bill currently under consideration in the country’s Congress intended to criminalize abortions further. Proposed by conservative lawmakers, the bill—if passed—would equate termination after the 22-week mark of pregnancy with homicide, and establish sentences [...]


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) urged Jordanian authorities to withdraw all charges and immediately release Palestinian-Jordanian journalist Hiba Abu Taha on Friday. According to the CPJ, Hiba Abu Taha was arrested on May 14 and sentenced to one-year imprisonment on June 11 for “inciting discord and strife among members of society”, and “targeting community [...]


The US Department of Justice on Thursday found that the Phoenix Police Department and the City of Phoenix have engaged in excessive force, discrimination and general civil rights violations against Black, Latino, Native American and other marginalized communities. The findings were published in a 126-page report, ending an investigation that began in 2021. Attorney General Merrick [...]


A coalition of human rights organizations released a joint statement on Friday calling on the Egyptian government to stop the recent targeting and retaliation against human rights lawyers. The coalition includes 28 rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Freedom House. The organizations expressed support for a letter by five UN Special Rapporteurs that was published [...]


Chiquita’s money helped buy weapons and ammunition used to kill innocent victims. —US Government sentencing memo, 2008 In 2007, Chiquita — one of the world’s largest banana producers — admitted that for years it had been knowingly paying a Colombian terrorist organization to protect its operations in the country. The consequence was predictably violent, allegedly [...]


The UN Security Council on Friday adopted a UK-backed resolution on the situation in Sudan, demanding that Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces halt its siege of El Fasher, the only capital in the vast western region of Darfur that it doesn’t control. This comes as the UN Secretary-General delivered reports on Sudan and South Sudan [...]


As the Core Group of Nations gathers in Romania on June 28 to deliberate over a pivotal draft statute, the international community faces a defining moment. This statute, which proposes the establishment of a multinational court comprising UN member states and anchored by the Council of Europe, offers a promising avenue for addressing the crime [...]


Sharon Basch is a rising 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a JURIST staff correspondent in Washington DC this summer.  Wednesday morning I attended a US Senate Budget Committee hearing entitled “Making Wall Street Pay its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy.” The hearing was called to discuss tax policy [...]