Search Results for: patrick leahy

Five Israeli military units have committed gross human rights violations, according to the US State Department on Monday. Despite these findings, all of the units currently remain eligible for US military aid. According to the US and Israel, four units have effectively remediated the violations, but discussions continue regarding the remaining Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [...]


Axios reported Saturday that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to announce sanctions against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) battalion “Netzah Yehuda” for human rights violations in the West Bank, according to three informed sources. The battalion is a special IDF unit mainly comprised of ultra-Orthodox soldiers. According to the report, the sanctions [...]


The US House of Representatives delivered an Article of Impeachment for Donald Trump to the Senate on Monday evening. Nine managers of the House made a liturgical walk through the Capitol from the House to the Senate to deliver the article, thereby setting into motion the former president’s second impeachment trial. The House drafted the Article [...]


The US Senate Judiciary Committee continued confirmation hearings on Tuesday for President Donald Trump’s nominee to fill the seat of the late Justice Ginsburg, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Senator Lindsey Graham, the Judiciary Committee Chair, started the day with a line of questioning on Barrett’s judicial philosophy, textualism, which led to a civics lesson on [...]


The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act was introduced by Senate Republicans on Thursday in an effort to combat the economic impacts that our nations is feeling from coronavirus. The current proposal has sections providing for loan guarantees to impacted businesses, direct cash payments, increased testing, and vaccine development resources. The [...]


US President Barack Obama signed Senate Bill No. 764 into law on Friday, which requires labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products under a single national standard. The law requires the Department of Agriculture...