Search Results for: pakistan blasphemy

Pakistan’s police on Monday announced the arrest of the deputy leader of Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Labaik (TLP) party, Zaheerul Hassan Shah, for placing a bounty against Chief Justice of the Pakistan Qazi Faez Esa, according to local media. Hassan Shah placed the 10-million rupee bounty against Esa because of the Chief Justice’s alleged support of the minority [...]


Law students and law graduates in Pakistan are reporting for JURIST on events in that country impacting its legal system. Abu Bakar Khan is a final year law student at University Law College, University of the Punjab. He files this dispatch from Lahore.  Lahore hosted the 5th Asma Jahangir Conference, titled ‘People’s Mandate: Safeguarding Civil [...]


Pakistan rejected Monday its designation as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) by the United States State Department over religious freedom concerns in the South Asian country. The US State Department designated Pakistan as a CPC on January 4 following a recommendation from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The Pakistan Ministry of [...]


A Pakistan spokesperson announced the arrest of two Christian brothers for blasphemy Friday, according to Reuters. The two were accused of ripping pages from the Quran. Chapter XV of Pakistan’s Penal Code outlines several different forms of blasphemy against Islam. These criminalize conduct such as making derogatory remarks about Muhammad or the desecration of the [...]


The Supreme Court of Pakistan, on Wednesday, rejected former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s request to halt his prosecution in a case regarding wealth concealment after selling state gifts. Khan’s attorney dismissed the allegations insulating that the justices are “rushing” the case. The Election Commission disqualified Khan on October 2022, from holding public office for 5 [...]