Search Results for: manning

“An intentional act of injustice is an injury. A Nation has therefore the right to punish it…. This right to resist injustice is derived from the right of self-protection.” Emmerich de Vattel, The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law 1758) Israel’s law-based conflict with Hezbollah and Hamas terrorism is grounded in the [...]


On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched an attack on Israeli civilians, resulting in deaths and hostage-taking. Reports of various atrocities, including sexual abuse, emerged. The victims included not only Israelis but also citizens of other countries such as France and Germany. The attack shocked the international community and drew widespread condemnation from governments worldwide. However, [...]


A high court judge ruled that doctors may withdraw life support from a 66-year-old man suffering from brain damage or prolonged disorder of consciousness on Tuesday. The man, who remained anonymous under the pseudonym ‘XY’ in the judgement, was admitted to a hospital, which was a part of the Whittington Health NHS Fund, on December  [...]


The Spanish National Court on Tuesday sentenced a man to 18 years in prison for sending six letter bombs to prominent personalities, including the Spanish Prime Minister, in November 2022. The Audiencia Nacional, Spain’s apex criminal court, sentenced Pompeyo González Pascual, a 76-year-old Spanish man, to a 10-year prison sentence for terrorism and an additional [...]


Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) announced on Monday that it arrested and charged Mason John Baker and Garry Belzevick for uttering death threats against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other politicians contrary to section 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. Section 264.1(1)(a) makes it an offence for anyone to knowingly utter, convey or cause [...]


The US District Court for the District of Columbia sentenced a former Marine Tyler Dykes on Friday to nearly five years in prison for assaulting police officers during the January 6 Capitol attack. On top of the imprisonment, Dykes received another 36 months of supervised release and a $22,000 fine. Prosecutors from the federal government [...]