Search Results for: lethal injection

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Thursday signed a bill into law that allows juries to recommend the death penalty without unanimous consent. For a jury to recommend the death penalty under Florida law, the jury must unanimously confirm there was an “aggravating factor” present to warrant capital punishment. Aggravating factors include if the crime was especially cruel [...]


A new report released by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) has dubbed 2022 the “Year of the Botched Execution,” shedding light on critical issues that mire the capital punishment process in the US — including racial discrimination and problems with prosecutorial accountability. The report highlights that botched executions and protocol errors have led to [...]


Idaho Governor Brad Little Saturday signed into law a bill allowing execution by firing squad. With the bill signed, Idaho now permits death by lethal injection or firing squad. The bill states the Director of the Idaho Department of Corrections shall determine whether lethal injection is available. If it is not, then a firing squad [...]


The Idaho legislature Monday passed House Bill 186 which will allow firing squads as a method of execution, making death by firing squad the standard execution procedure if lethal injections are found to be unconstitutional. The bill also gives the state’s Department of Corrections (DOC) the authority to set the procedures for firing squad executions. [...]


The State of Texas Wednesday executed Wesley Ruiz after the US Supreme Court denied Ruiz’s petition to for a stay. Ruiz, convicted of fatally shooting a Texas police officer, filed an application with the court on Tuesday to stay his execution and consider his petition for a writ of certiorari. The court denied both the [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Tuesday reversed a lower court’s decision allowing the US Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to withhold the names of its pentobarbital suppliers. BOP withheld the names of the pentobarbital suppliers, claiming justification under Exemption 4 of FOIA, which allows the government to withhold confidential commercial [...]


Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond has filed a motion seeking more time between seven upcoming executions to ease the burden on the state’s Department of Corrections (DOC) and allow more time to prepare for executions. The request, filed Tuesday, calls on the court to space out the executions by 60 days, rather than the current [...]