Search Results for: icty

James Joseph is a UK staff correspondent for JURIST. He files this report from The Hague. Following on from JURIST’s breaking news from Friday last about the legal defence staff of the International Criminal Court launching a historic strike over labour rights and pay disparity, I offer this personal account from the literal front line [...]


Ukrainian law students and young lawyers are reporting for JURIST on developments in and affecting Ukraine. This dispatch is from Kateryna Prychta, a law student at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.   After the start of full-scale military attacks by the Russian Federation’s armed forces on the territory of Ukraine, at the beginning of March, Ukraine appealed to [...]


With the Russian invasion of Ukraine comes calls for war crimes investigations and prosecutions, and rightfully so. Many of the discussions surround questions concerning whether war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide have been committed, who can be prosecuted, and which venue will best serve the people of Ukraine and the interests of justice.  As [...]


Before February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin had an “off ramp.” He could have withdrawn troops from Russia’s border with Ukraine and slinked away to an island. However, several developments have eliminated the possibility of an “off ramp.” On February 28, 2022, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced he opened an investigation into “alleged war [...]


The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Monday rejected an appeal by 66-year-old former Serb fighter Radomir Šušnjar of his conviction and 20-year sentence for committing war crimes 29 years ago during the Bosnian War, which resulted in dozens of civilian deaths. Deciding against his appeal, the Constitutional Court found that Šušnjar’s right to [...]


The Appeals Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) on Tuesday confirmed Ratko Mladić’s convictions and life imprisonment sentence by a Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Mladić, commander of the Main Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army from May 12, 1992, until at least November 8, [...]


International Criminal Court (ICC) members voted Friday to elect British human rights lawyer and Queen’s Counsel Karim Khan as the court’s next prosecutor, taking over from Fatou Bensouda. The vote, which took place during the second resumed nineteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties, saw Khan win support from 72 nations, surpassing the 62 [...]


Recently, on 22 July 2020, there was an exchange of fire between Naxals and police at Korchi in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra, which is referred to by Maoists as the ‘Liberated Zone’, drawing our attention once again to the insurgency brewing in Central and Eastern India since 1967. Naxalism, also branded as the People’s War, [...]


The Appeals Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) heard oral arguments Tuesday and Wednesday in the appeal of former Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina military commander Ratko Mladić. Mladić appealed his 2017 conviction and life sentence for genocide, crimes against humanity and violation of the laws or customs of war in [...]