Search Results for: ictr

In late March, Ukrainian authorities reported that Russian forces had forcibly transferred over two thousand children from the Russian-occupied Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine into Russia. Other reports note that Ukraine’s Human Rights Commissioner asserts that more than 121,000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly deported to Russia, where the government is reportedly preparing the necessary [...]


International Criminal Court (ICC) members voted Friday to elect British human rights lawyer and Queen’s Counsel Karim Khan as the court’s next prosecutor, taking over from Fatou Bensouda. The vote, which took place during the second resumed nineteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties, saw Khan win support from 72 nations, surpassing the 62 [...]


In an initial appearance before the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Wednesday, a Rwandan businessman suspected of financing Rwanda’s 1994 genocide entered a plea of “not guilty” to numerous genocide-related charges. The 87-year-old Félicien Kabuga remained silent throughout the tribunal proceedings. At the request of Kabuga’s lawyer, Judge Iain Bonomy registered a plea [...]


The Paris Court of Appeals on Wednesday affirmed a lower court decision to transfer Felicien Kabuga to Arusha, Tanzania, to be tried for his role as the primary financier of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Kabuga will be handed over to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), which is primarily based out of The [...]


The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Thursday marked its official closure with with a ceremony held in the Hague. The event marked the end of the ICTY's 24 year tenure trying those...


JURIST Guest Columnist Jean-Marie Kamatali of Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law discusses the benefits of investigating French officials' role in the Rwanda Genocide...On November 29th the Prosecutor General of Rwanda released a statement announcing the start of a...