Search Results for: hp

Stephen Bainbridge :"I'm increasingly opposed to the death penalty on both pragmatic and moral grounds, but I nevertheless found much to agree with in Justice Antonin Scalia's scathing dissent from the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision striking down the...


White House counsel Alberto Gonzales personally sought a legal ruling on the extent of the president's authority to permit extreme interrogation practices in the name of national security in 2002, current and former administration officials said Tuesday, a revelation...


The Montana Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Democratic candidate Jeanne Windham was the winner of a contested seat in the Montana House of Representatives. After a recount revealed both Windham and her Constitution Party opponent Rick Jore received 1,559...


Reaction to President Bush's nomination of White House Counsel, and former Texas Supreme Court Judge, Alberto Gonzales to succeed John Ashcroft as US Attorney General has been mixed, with most of the criticism citing Gonzales' role in setting administration...


AP is reporting that John Kerry has called President Bush to concede the Presidential race.UPDATE: ABC News is reporting that Kerry will make a concession speech at 1 PM ET in Boston. As early as this morning, the Kerry...