Search Results for: federal benefits

Sharon Basch is a rising 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a JURIST staff correspondent in Washington DC this summer.  Wednesday morning I attended a US Senate Budget Committee hearing entitled “Making Wall Street Pay its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy.” The hearing was called to discuss tax policy [...]


Mykyta Vorobiov is a Ukrainian-born political analyst, journalist, and political science student at Bard College Berlin. For the last two years, he has been developing articles on politics and law for CEPA, VoxEurop, JURIST, and others. Mykyta’s co-author Yelyzaveta Nezhyva is a Ukrainian activist and a political science student at Bard College Berlin. Over the [...]


Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) published a report on Monday stating that some parliamentarians collaborated with foreign governments to engage in “foreign interference activities.” Evidence the NSICOP gathered suggests that these unnamed parliamentarians engaged in interference activities as “semi-witting or witting participants.” The report suggested that the parliamentarians engaged in foreign [...]


Former Gambian Minister of Interior Ousman Sonko has been convicted of crimes against humanity by the Swiss Federal Criminal Court (FCC). The court found him guilty of numerous crimes committed between 2000 and 2016 under the regime of ex-President Yahya Jammeh, sentencing Sonko to 20 years in prison. This conviction marks the highest-ranking official ever sentenced [...]


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,”  so taught civil rights campaigner and feminist Rita Mae Brown. There is no more fitting maxim for the broken American system that in 2024 has allowed Donald Trump to return as a major political party’s presumptive nominee for its highest office. [...]


The German parliament, the Bundestag, passed contentious legislation on Friday authorizing the issuance of payment cards to asylum seekers and refugees for the distribution of state benefits. The nationwide legal framework was approved following a conference between Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the state prime ministers in November last year, during which 14 out of the [...]


The US prides itself on being a nation built on freedom, justice, and individual rights. And yet the evolution of its system of mass incarceration — a system that cannot be defined without reference to shocking racial disparities — seems to directly contradict these founding principles. The US prison population dwarfs those of nearly every other [...]


US federal prosecutors filed a complaint in a New York federal district court Wednesday seeking the forfeiture of two multimillion-dollar Manhattan apartments purchased by former Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold in connection to an alleged money laundering and corruption investigation. The investigation centers around contracts the Erdenet Mining Corporation, a state owned mining company, entered [...]