Search Results for: echr

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held on Tuesday that Switzerland’s expulsion of a national of Bosnia and Herzegovina violated the European Convention on Human Rights. The individual in question had been expelled and barred from Switzerland for five years after he was convicted of a drug-related offense. Switzerland was specifically accused of violating [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled that Russia had violated an citizens’ right to freedom of assembly and free speech on Tuesday. The applicants in the case were subject to administrative sanctions for violating the Public Events Act. Russian courts convicted all parties for holding public events without prior approval from municipal authorities. [...]


The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Thursday that Georgia and Azerbaijan violated the rights of Azerbaijani journalist Afghan Mukhtarli, specifically his right to an effective investigation and his right to private life. The case involved Mukhtarli’s alleged abduction, ill-treatment and unlawful transfer of the Azerbaijani journalist from Georgia to Azerbaijan. Mukhtarli claimed he [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Lebanon and Cyprus of violating the human rights of Syrian refugees with indirect financial support from the European Union (EU) in a report released Wednesday. HRW detailed how both countries intercepted and forcibly returned refugees to Syria in a coordinated effort to prevent them from seeking asylum in Europe. According [...]


The UK Supreme Court on Wednesday refused Shamima Begum’s application for permission to appeal the 2019 decision to revoke her British citizenship, ruling that the grounds of appeal “do not raise an arguable point of law”. The decision comes after Begum lost her Court of Appeal challenge in February this year, in a protracted legal challenge [...]


In this article Elliott Michaud, a law graduate of the Universite Cote d’Azur in France, examines the pervasive impact of artificial intelligence (AI) over the past 18 months, highlighting advancements and concerns associated with its rapid integration into various sectors such as healthcare, law, media, and transportation, and the European Union’s proactive approach to AI [...]


The Council of Europe (CoE) called for greater action to prevent child trafficking in Strasbourg, France on Tuesday during the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The council’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) joined voices with the UN-mandated Inter-Agency Coordination Group Against Trafficking in Human Beings (ICAT) to demand [...]


Georgian media site Radio Free Europe (Radio Limited) revealed on Sunday that Georgia’s largest opposition party, United National Movement, intends to file a challenge against the state’s new foreign agent law on July 29. The controversial legislation challenged by the party requires media, non-profits, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receiving greater than 20 percent of their [...]