Search Results for: colonization

The Ecuadorian police announced Friday the arrest of Julio Alberto M. A., also known as “Negro Tulio,” the leader of the Chone gang, in Panama. He is implicated in the murder of prosecutor Cesar Suarez in January 2024, who was investigating organized transnational crime in Guayas province. On June 1, Ecuadorian authorities confirmed that Julio [...]


President Emanuel Macron of France will lift the state of emergency in New Caledonia on Tuesday, French newspaper Le Monde reported Monday. The state of emergency will lift on Tuesday at 5 a.m., but some curfew measures will remain. 480 mobile gendarmes will also be sent as reinforcements, according to the publication. New Caledonia, a [...]


Portugal’s Parliament rejected on Wednesday a bid proposed by the far-right party Chega to charge the country’s president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa with treason over his support for reparation to former Portuguese colonies for slavery and mistreatment during colonization. The controversy dates back to April 2023 when President Marcelo de Sousa publically declared that Portugal has [...]


Authorities in the French South Pacific territory of New Caledonia have decided to ban public gatherings and impose a curfew in the capital city of Nouméa following violent protests against a law project amending the electoral system, according to a statement published on Tuesday. The statement specifies that due to public order problems in Nouméa [...]


Ecuadorians voted to approve a number of security proposals from President Daniel Noboa on Sunday as the South American country experiences a surge in violence that has claimed the lives of multiple public officials, including a presidential candidate. Among the proposals was a proposition to amend Ecuador’s constitution to allow the country’s armed forces to [...]


The German state of Bavaria banned Tuesday the use of “gender-sensitive” language in schools and universities. Ministers expressed that while they want to uphold gender equality in language, the use of symbols within words could impact comprehensibility and have therefore banned the practice. The ban was passed by the Council of Ministers in Bavaria to [...]


Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho, a student research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information [...]


Hafsa Kanjwal is an Assistant Professor of South Asian history at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, where she has taught courses covering the history of the modern world, South Asian history, and Islam in the modern context. Most recently, Kanjwal authored a book titled “Colonizing Kashmir: State-building under Indian Occupation.”  In a conversation with JURIST’s [...]


In this first-of-its-kind JURIST “global dispatch” on a single topic, 15 law students and young lawyers from around the world, all of them JURIST correspondents from outside of Israel and Palestine, join together to offer a  panoramic view of how the current Gaza conflict is unfolding in their countries and regions. Beyond the headlines, they [...]