Search Results for: budget

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Thursday urged cable operators from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to restore access to local news broadcasters Sakshi TV, TV9, NTV, and 10T. The CPJ called for the immediate restoration of the broadcasters, which have reportedly been blocked since June 6. CPJ India Representative Kunāl Majumder added: The [...]


Sharon Basch is a rising 3L at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and a JURIST staff correspondent in Washington DC this summer.  Wednesday morning I attended a US Senate Budget Committee hearing entitled “Making Wall Street Pay its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy.” The hearing was called to discuss tax policy [...]


Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, said in a statement about her latest report on the situation in Gaza: In this darkest hour, the international community cannot continue to ignore that it is Israel’s project to rid Palestine of Palestinians in defiance [...]


The US Supreme Court decided Thursday that when Native Americans administer healthcare through their own programs, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Indian Health Service must pay for costs associated with the operation of the healthcare program. The case was brought by the San Carlos Apache Tribe and Northern Arapaho Tribe, both of which [...]


Ernesa Shala is a JURIST staff correspondent in Kosovo and a recent graduate of the University of Pristina Faculty of Law. She files this dispatch from Pristina.  Montenegro businessman Dushko Knezhević was extradited from Great Britain to Montenegro at the end of May and has been remanded in custody. The Montenegrin Special Prosecutor’s Office filed [...]


The US Department of State imposed new visa restrictions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials on Friday after a Hong Kong court convicted 14 activists of conspiring to commit subversion under the China-imposed National Security Law. Chinese and Hong Kong government spokespersons denounced the sanctions as a “gross interference” in China’s and Hong Kong’s internal [...]


New Zealand’s Indigenous protesters on Thursday caused severe traffic delays in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city. The opposition party Te Pati Māori and Indigenous activist groups initiated the protest against the government’s proposed budget, allegedly compromising the country’s ability to protect Indigenous rights. The government announced their new budget plan on Thursday, making significant cuts [...]


New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon on Tuesday called proposed nationwide strikes on budget day encouraging Indigenous Māori and non-Māori allies to walk off their jobs in support of Indigenous rights ‘illegal’. Luxon labelled appeals from opposition party Te Pāti Māori for Māori to “stand and rise” up in support of the strike “entirely wrong” [...]