Search Results for: bangladesh

Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated in a report published on Wednesday that the conviction and the imprisonment of Bangladeshi protesters by the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal was “unjust” and called for the immediate release of all those sentenced. In its report, HRW denounced the “arbitrary” detention and conviction of 57 Bangladeshi citizens who [...]


A high court judge ruled that doctors may withdraw life support from a 66-year-old man suffering from brain damage or prolonged disorder of consciousness on Tuesday. The man, who remained anonymous under the pseudonym ‘XY’ in the judgement, was admitted to a hospital, which was a part of the Whittington Health NHS Fund, on December  [...]


The United Arab Emirates’s (UAE) Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal sentenced 57 Bangladeshis for unlawful assembly over gathering and inciting riots in the country, according to state-owned media outlet Emirates News Agency on Monday. Three Bangladeshis were sentenced to life imprisonment over “inciting riots” and calling for demonstrations to pressure the Bangladesh government, 53 [...]


The Supreme Court of Bangladesh on Sunday overturned the restoration of the government’s quota system for civil service employment after days of deadly turmoil and clashes between police and protesters. The Appellate Division dismissed the High Court’s judgement on quota reinstatement, stating that 93 percent of government employment recruitment would be based on merit, with [...]


The Bangladesh government imposed a nationwide curfew and deployed the army on Friday following escalating protests against government job quotas, BBC Bangla reported, citing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s press secretary. The decision aims to restore order amid widespread violence that has claimed the lives of at least 105 people. The protests, sparked by decentralized student [...]


Six people were killed in Bangladesh and hundreds injured on Tuesday during the ongoing students’ protest against the government job quota requirements for children of Bangladesh freedom fighters, according to local media. The government has ordered the indefinite closure of schools and colleges while the country is engulfed in deadly protest. The protest sparked in [...]


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), an independent organisation that defends the rights of journalists, called Tuesday for the release of Htet Aung, a Myanmar journalist who had been sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour. The sentence of Htet Aung followed the publication of his article for the DMG Newsroom titled “Calls for [...]