Search Results for: al Qaeda

In this piece, the authors, Annie Pforzheimer, a former U.S. diplomat who served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Afghanistan; and Jason Howk is a former U.S. military officer who is the Director of the Global Friends of Afghanistan, who has focused since 2002 [...]


The US House of Representatives passed a two-year reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a controversial expiring warrantless surveillance law, earlier this year. Democrats and Republicans alike criticized the move. Former President Donald Trump urged his allies in Congress to “Kill FISA” days before the House passed the two-year reauthorization. [...]


The National Union of Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, and Businesses of Mali (SYNABEF) announced Saturday that it would prolong its work stoppage from June 9 until authorities release their secretary general, Hamadoun Bah, and all their detained colleagues. In their communique, SYNABEF’s National Executive Board urged its members to adhere to the directive, and [...]


Attacks by Islamist armed groups and ethnic militias in Mali violate international humanitarian law and are apparent war crimes, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released Wednesday. One such attack in January 2024, by an Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist armed group, killed at least 32 civilians, including 3 children and setting fire to over 350 [...]


European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held Tuesday that Russia discriminated against a teacher when she was fired after posting pictures that indicated her sexual orientation. In the case of A.K. v. Russia, A.K, the applicant, was a teacher in a state school in Russia. In November 2014, a Russian NGO collected on social media [...]


A Russian state financial watchdog labelled the “LGBT public movement” as a terrorist organization on Friday, as reported by Russian state media outlet TASS. This development comes three months after the Supreme Court of Russia ordered the LGBT+ movement to be declared as extremist. The Federal Service for Monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring) added the LGBT+ movement to [...]


Mike Freer, a Conservative MP for Finchley and Golders Green of almost 15 years, publicly announced Wednesday that he will not seek reelection as an MP and Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Ministry of Justice. The announcement followed an alleged arson attack, an alleged murder attempt and multiple death threats against Freer, along with other incidents. [...]