Search Results for: abortion

Nebraska’s State Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Friday that competing constitutional initiatives on abortion can remain on the ballot for the election in November. The court held that the proposed amendment does not violate Nebraska’s single-subject rule, which ensures ballot measures focus on just one issue at a time. One initiative looks to secure the [...]


A North Dakota District Court ruled Thursday that women have a constitutional right to pre-viability abortion under the constitutional guarantees of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. South Central District Judge Bruce A. Romanick declared that the Amended Abortion Ban was unconstitutionally void for vagueness. This ruling invalidates the Amended Abortion Ban, one of the [...]


Poland’s government introduced new guidelines on Friday concerning legal abortions up to the 12th week of pregnancy. Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Minister of Health Izabela Leszczyna and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar indicated that there were many challenges in securing a parliamentary majority to legalize abortion up to the 12th week. Regardless, they decided to [...]


Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance said Sunday that Donald Trump will not support a national abortion ban and would veto any attempt at it if elected president in November, noting that Trump supports the right of individual states to decide. The comments come after the Democratic Convention directed harsh criticism on former president Trump for [...]


The Norwegian government announced on Friday its proposal to extend the legal period for self-determined abortions from 12 to 18 weeks. The proposal, intended to modernize the Abortion Act of 1978, is aimed at aligning the law with contemporary values and medical practices. One of the most significant aspects of the proposed law is the [...]


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oregon filed a lawsuit against the city of Medford, Oregon, on Tuesday, alleging that the city’s law enforcement authorities have been surveilling and illegally gathering information on the complainants for years. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of two local organizations and an individual activist. In the complaint, [...]


The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal dismissed the appeals brought by seven activists, including businessman Jimmy Lai, against their unauthorized assembly convictions on Monday. Following the UK Supreme Court’s judgments in DPP v Ziegler and Reference re Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Northern Ireland) Bill), the activists advocated for incorporating the “operational proportionality” inquiry [...]


President Biden’s recent proposal for eighteen-year term limits for U.S. Supreme Court Justices is a watershed in the perennial controversy over the composition and powers of the U.S. Supreme Court insofar as it is the first time that a sitting President has called for institutional reform of the Court. Although Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Court-packing plan [...]