Search Results for: WHO

Sali Berisha, head of Albania’s main opposition Democratic Party and the country’s former president, on Monday lost his appeal against a previous decision from the UK’s Secretary of State for the Home Department (SSHD) excluding him from entering the UK’s territory. The entry ban against Berisha was issued by the SSHD on July 21, 2022. [...]


Police in the eastern German state of Saxony-Anhalt shot an Afghan murder suspect, who died shortly thereafter in the hospital, Saturday. According to police reports, the 27-year-old Afghan national is said to have attacked another 23-year-old Afghan on Friday with a knife-like object in an apartment building in the town of Wolmirstedt on Saturday. The [...]


Thousands marched in French cities on Saturday after the far-right National Rally (RN) secured over 30 percent of the vote in last week’s European elections, which prompted President Emmanuel Macron to call for snap parliamentary elections. Labor unions, student groups, and rights organizations organized the rallies, which aimed to counter the RN’s perceived anti-immigration agenda. [...]


The National Defense and Security Council led by President of Honduras Xiomara Castro announced in a national broadcast Friday a sweeping plan to crack down on crime and safeguard national security. The crime solution plan establishes several measures to be implemented. First, the Security and Defense secretaries, the Armed Forces, and the Military Police will [...]


Thousands of women on Saturday took to the streets of the Brazilian city of São Paulo in sweeping opposition to a legislative bill currently under consideration in the country’s Congress intended to criminalize abortions further. Proposed by conservative lawmakers, the bill—if passed—would equate termination after the 22-week mark of pregnancy with homicide, and establish sentences [...]


UN Special Adviser of the Secretary on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Nderitu warned on Friday that hate speech continues to significantly threaten global peace and security. It also frequently targets the most vulnerable in society. In a briefing to the UN Security Council, Nderitu said that as well as inciting violence, hate speech also [...]


The legal team for a former top Nagorno-Karabakh official alleged in a Friday letter addressed to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture that their client, former Nagorno-Karabakh Minister of State Ruben Vardanyan, and an unnamed Armenian business leader had been tortured while in custody in Azerbaijan for engaging in a hunger strike. Vardanyan was detained [...]


A coalition of human rights organizations released a joint statement on Friday calling on the Egyptian government to stop the recent targeting and retaliation against human rights lawyers. The coalition includes 28 rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Freedom House. The organizations expressed support for a letter by five UN Special Rapporteurs that was published [...]