JURIST Guest Columnists, Sarah Wetter and James G. Hodge, Jr. of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, discuss preemptive legal schemes that deprive states and localities of opportunities to implement efficacious interventions to advance public health......
Search Results for: Sean Merritt
Digital Realty Trust, Inc. v. Somers: Bad News for Employers, Lawyers and Internal Compliance
JURIST Guest Columnist Dennis J. Ventry, Jr., of the University of California Davis School of Law (UC Davis School of Law) discusses how a recent Supreme Court decision on whistleblower laws ultimately undermines the corporations they are meant to protect......
JURIST Guest Columnist Louis René Beres of Purdue University discusses the true nature of President Donald Trump's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin... "I like chaos." — United States President Donald Trump, March 4, 2018 Credo quia absurdum. "I believe...
JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Charles Lugosi of Crease Harman, LLP, discusses how Canadian prime ministers' evasive answers during the Question Period expose deeper constitutional issues... All Canadian citizens, regardless of personal political preferences, are the heartbeat of parliamentary democracy. Together...
JURIST Guest Columnist Moien Odeh of the Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection provides a critical analysis of recent Israeli legislative efforts to enlarge the city limits of Jerusalem ... Introduction In 2017, two bills were introduced from the Israeli...
JURIST Guest Columnist Steve Koslovsky discusses how more judicial elections harm judicial independence... Remember Rose Bird? Back in 1986, Chief Justice Rose E. Bird, who was the first female Chief on the California Supreme Court, became the first Chief Justice...
JURIST Guest Columnist L. Ali Khan of the Washburn University School of Law discusses troubling recent trends in the Pakistani Supreme Court... Judicial activism is a milder label to express what the Pakistan Supreme Court has done over the decades...
JURIST Guest Columnist Isaac Smith of the University of Cincinnati School of Law discusses the First Amendment implications of actions taken by Ohio University administrators... In 2017, violent student protests made headlines nationwide. The often minimal discipline meted out...
Belarus' Cryptocurrency Experiment: Why the World Should Take Notice
JURIST Guest Columnist Iryna Chelyshava of Vlasova Mikhel & Partners, a Belarusian law firm, discusses a recent decree by the Belarusian government drastically expanding the use of cryptocurrency... On December 21, 2017, Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of...
Iran's Ballistic Missile Program from an International Law Perspective
JURIST Guest Columnist Alireza Ranjbar of the Iranian Association for UN Studies discusses approaches to Iran's ballistic missile program under international law... Before and after his election as president, Donald Trump has threatened the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action...