What do bar exams have in common with elections in the age of COVID-19, aside from the obvious implication that both are related to justice and the rule of law? Technology. While elections have been dealing with the pressures of technology for decades, state bar exams are traditionally huge in-person testing rituals relying heavily on [...]
Search Results for: Sean Gallagher
JURIST Contributing Editor Gabor Rona, International Legal Director of Human Rights First, argues that the new wave of lawsuits regarding the NDAA stem from the poor detention policies of the US...This week, the US Court of Appeals for the Second...
States Must Enact Comprehensive Legislation to Protect Homeless
JURIST Guest Columnist Sapphire Jule King of the International Freedom Coalition argues that states need to enact comprehensive legislation to protect the homeless...Rhode Island's Homeless Bill of Rights, the first in the nation, makes history by protecting individuals and families...
Broad Definitions of Terrorism Will Continue to be Struck Down
JURIST Contributing Editor Gabor Rona, International Legal Director of Human Rights First, explains that federal judges will continue to strike down terrorism laws that are overly broad...Last week, Judge Katherine Forrest decided that the US government's scheme for detaining terrorism...
JURIST Guest Columnists E. Duncan Getchell, Jr., Solicitor General of Virginia, and Michael Brady, Assistant Attorney General of Virginia, argue that the Florida Supreme Court erred in its decision on the reliability of narcotics sniffing dogs and urge the US...
JURIST Guest Columnists Jennifer Green and Sahadev Gowda of the University of Minnesota Law School, say that corporations must be held accountable for international law violations through use of the Alien Tort Statute...Last month, the US Supreme Court heard oral...
JURIST Guest Columnist Frances Contreras, Director of the Higher Eduction Program at the University of Washington, says repealing Proposition 209 in California would reinstate a vital admissions tool for underprivileged students...The passage of Proposition 209 in California has resulted in...
Financial Reporting Renders Health Care Reform Unconstitutional
JURIST Guest Columnist Joseph Marren, President and Chief Executive Officer of KStone Partners LLC, says that the recent health care reform act may be unconstitutional due to inaccurate financial reporting to the states and the public at large...This spring the...
JURIST Contributing Editor Gabor Rona, International Legal Director of Human Rights First, argues that the decision to use the legal classification of "enemy combatant" does not justify the US policy of targeted killings...Earlier in the week, in a speech at...