Search Results for: Russia

Feminists protested nationwide against the Rassemblement National (RN), a far-right political party in France, on Sunday, ahead of the legislative elections. Wearing purple, the official color of the Feminist movement, 130,000 people gathered in French cities to protest against the potential victory of the RN , which could seriously undermine women’s rights in the country. [...]


This interview provides an overview of advocacy efforts to secure the release of Ryan Corbett, a US citizen who the Taliban have detained in Afghanistan for over two years, his health deteriorating drastically as a result. JURIST’s Managing Editor for Long Form Content James Joseph interviewed Corbett’s Washington-based lawyer Ryan Fayhee and UK Barrister Kate [...]


In the final analysis, human fragmentation into separate and competitively hostile states is unnatural. Because it is contrary to intellectual understanding and natural law, such fragmentation always makes it impossible to fashion a just and survivable global order. Ipso facto, it also renders impossible any long-term American future. What should be done? Suitable transformations are [...]


The European Union (EU) agreed on a new package of sanctions against Russia, the Presidency of the Council of the EU confirmed Thursday. This new set of measures is the fourteenth package the EU has issued since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen confirmed the sanctions will [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Wednesday said Russian authorities have violated their human rights obligations by suppressing the Ukrainian language and injecting propaganda into educational curricula in occupied Ukrainian territories. The report claims Russian authorities continue to suppress the Ukrainian language and curriculum in the territories of Ukraine that Russian forces have occupied since February [...]


A Swedish court on Thursday acquitted former Syrian general Mohammed Hamo of charges related to his alleged involvement in war crimes committed in Syria in 2012. Hamo had been accused of aiding and abetting a gross violation of international law. Hamo deserted from the Syrian army in June 2012 and joined opposition forces fighting against [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a mutual defense assistance pact on Wednesday during Putin’s visit to the North Korean capital Pyongyang since 2000. According to a statement from the Russian government, the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership stipulates “mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of [...]


The German Federal Ministry of Interior published a report on Tuesday by the country’s federal domestic intelligence agency, designating the Palestinian civil society Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) a “suspected extremist case.” According to the report, BDS was founded in 2005 with the support of over 170 Palestinian-affiliated organizations, including the Council of National and Islamic [...]


World leaders gathered in Switzerland for a two-day summit over the weekend in an attempt to create a peace plan to end the conflict in Ukraine.  The peace summit on Ukraine brought together representatives from 101 countries and international organizations with a shared goal of resolving the conflict through dialogue, global cooperation, and adherence to international [...]