Search Results for: Milosevic

Thousands of opposition supporters took the streets in Tirana, Albania on Thursday, demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Edi Rama and throwing fire bombs at government buildings and the mayor’s office. The demonstrators also demanded the release of opposition leader Sali Berisha, who has been under house arrest on corruption charges since the previous year. [...]


Stephen Rapp, an American lawyer and diplomat, has been a leading figure in international criminal law and human rights. He was appointed as the US Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues in 2009, overseeing investigations and prosecutions of war criminals worldwide. Rapp’s commitment to justice and ending impunity was evident during his tenure, supporting [...]


This is the third article in a series covering attacks on the rule of law.  The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all people, systems and institutions are accountable to the same laws, processes and norms that work together to support equality before the law.  This series argues that [...]


With the Russian invasion of Ukraine comes calls for war crimes investigations and prosecutions, and rightfully so. Many of the discussions surround questions concerning whether war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide have been committed, who can be prosecuted, and which venue will best serve the people of Ukraine and the interests of justice.  As [...]


Before February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin had an “off ramp.” He could have withdrawn troops from Russia’s border with Ukraine and slinked away to an island. However, several developments have eliminated the possibility of an “off ramp.” On February 28, 2022, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced he opened an investigation into “alleged war [...]


On Friday the United States and people who respect justice around the world lost a very special jurist, William Ramsey Clark (December 18, 1927 – April 9, 2021), a man unique among lawyers for his steadfast commitment to justice for all.  He served his country as the 66th Attorney General of the United States from [...]


A Belgrade appeals court published a decision on Tuesday in which it annulled Mirjana Markovic’s one-year prison sentence and sent the case back for retrial. Mirjana Markovic is a former leader of the Yugoslav left party and widow of former Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic. In 2000 Markovic was accused of abuse against official duty, as [...]


The Serbian Bar Association and the Bar Association of Belgrade announced a week-long strike starting July 30 in response to the killing of prominent criminal defense lawyer Dragoslav Miše Ognjanović. Ognjanović served on the war crimes defense team of former Serbian leader Slobodan Milošević in the early 2000s. He was also involved in a number [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Mohit Gupta of South Asian University discusses the legacy of the ICTY... International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), an ad hoc international criminal tribunal established by mandate from United Nations Security Council officially came to...