Search Results for: Leanne Winkels

US President Donald Trump on Monday, June 22, suspended new applications for a number of foreign worker visas until the end of 2020 with the “Proclamation Suspending Entry of Aliens Who Present a Risk to the US Labor Market Following the Coronavirus Outbreak.” This includes the H-1B limited-term work visa sought by tens of thousands of [...]


Imagine being a young, insecure, terrified child who feels like she does not belong or is loved by anyone. You have been beaten, raped, mistreated and neglected your entire life. Your own family gave you up for adoption, and while you were adopted, you do not feel like the family values you or honestly desires [...]


The latest rumblings of the current administration inform us of President Trump’s plan to completely ignore the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and instead sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for children born in the United States to non-U.S. citizens. Specifically, the Amendment reads as follows: “All persons born [...]