Search Results for: Greenpeace

The Hutukara Yanomami Association, an indigenous group in Brazil, released a report for the year 2023 on Friday that assessed initiatives undertaken by the Brazil federal government to improve living conditions and control the practice of illegal mining in Yanomami Indigenous Land. The report underscored the bleak situation of the region and called the initiatives [...]


Police in The Hague, Netherlands arrested and detained over 2400 demonstrators and activists associated with the Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace or the Milieudefensie group on Saturday who were protesting government fossil fuel subsidies on the A12 motorway near The Hague. Their statement detailed how they spent over 4 hours arresting and removing people from the highway, [...]


Spain’s Supreme Court dismissed a lawsuit on Thursday challenging the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), which set Spain’s climate and energy proposals. The court found that the plan is in accordance with the law and commitments made by the EU, despite several environmental groups’ insistence that it is arbitrary. At present, the PNIEC [...]


Thousands of protesters Friday descended on Westminster to join the biggest protest tackling the climate crisis ever held in the UK. The unprecedented action was co-ordinated by Extinction Rebellion (XR), a UK-based global environmental movement which aims to use mass nonviolent civil disobedience to challenge government inaction over climate change. More than 200 environmental and [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Friday stated that Indonesian authorities should not pursue criminal defamation charges against Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti, who are significant human rights defenders in Jakarta. The charges were brought against them based on a 2021 police report filed by Luhur Binsar Pandjaitan, a minister in the president’s cabinet. The report accuses [...]


The Pacific Island Forum Wednesday expressed concern in a public seminar over Japan’s plans to discharge radioactive waste from reactors damaged in the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean. Secretary General Henry Puna discussed the findings of an independent panel of experts on Japan’s plan and claimed that Japan’s assertion of safety lacks scientific [...]


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Thursday published a draft agreement on climate change from the COP27 climate summit. The agreement includes preliminary measures to keep the average global temperature from increasing beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius but notably omits a comprehensive plan to target fossil fuel emissions. The draft begins with a [...]