Search Results for: China Human Rights

Since the UN’s establishment in 1945, the body has been pivotal in maintaining global peace and security. A critical instrument in its arsenal is the ceasefire resolution, primarily used by the UN Security Council (UNSC) as a vehicle for showing the overriding will of the Council in times when tensions are high. These resolutions often [...]


Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) arrested Ugandan environmental activist Stephen Kwikiriza in Kampala under “alarming circumstances,” according to a press release published on Wednesday by the group the Environment Governance Institute (EGI). Stephen Kwikiriza is an environmental activist and a human rights defender who works with the non-governmental organization EGI. He is from the Kingfisher [...]


Beijing’s Tiananmen Square saw increased security measures on Tuesday, in response to the 35th anniversary of China’s suppression of pro-democracy protests on the site. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, police arrested four individuals and thwarted efforts to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Tuesday’s security measures involved the emergence of “bridge watchers,” who prevent gathering and [...]


The Chinese government is silencing discussion and commemoration of the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre, according to a statement released by Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Sunday. June 4 will mark 35 years since the Chinese military attacked civilian protestors in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989, allegedly killing and wounding thousands. No official death toll has even [...]


The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2731 (2024) on Thursday, extending for one year the sanctions regime imposed on South Sudan that includes asset freezes, travel bans and an arms embargo. The Resolution received nine votes in favor, none against and six abstentions from Algeria, China, Guyana, Mozambique, Russian Federation and Sierra Leone. The council [...]


Global executions hit the highest level since 2015, with serious increases mainly in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, Amnesty International said in its 2023 annual report on the global use of the death penalty on Wednesday 1,153 executions were recorded in 2023 globally, marking an increase of more than 30 per cent from 2022. [...]


A report released this week before the UK Parliament details how the Hong Kong authorities are using the reputations and prestige of overseas common law judges to draw a veil over their country’s deteriorating legal system. The report, issued by the Committee for the Freedom of Hong Kong presents a damning indictment on how the Chinese [...]


Students from China and Hong Kong studying abroad fear engaging with ‘sensitive’ or political issues while overseas, according to a report published by Amnesty International on Monday. The report, entitled “On My Campus, I am Afraid” details a campaign of transnational repression felt by Chinese and Hong Kongese nationals studying on campuses across Western Europe [...]