Search Results for: China

“An intentional act of injustice is an injury. A Nation has therefore the right to punish it…. This right to resist injustice is derived from the right of self-protection.” Emmerich de Vattel, The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law 1758) Israel’s law-based conflict with Hezbollah and Hamas terrorism is grounded in the [...]


Senior leaders from the Palestinian political groups Fatah and Hamas signed a joint statement known as “Beijing Declaration to End the Division and Strengthen Palestinian National Unity” in Beijing on Tuesday, signalling an effort to bridge longstanding divisions. This agreement was brokered by China, aiming to enhance its position as a global mediator. According to [...]


Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan approved a law concerning new immigrants on Tuesday after its third reading, facilitating the integration of immigrants in Taiwanese society and offering them legal recognition. The act focuses on the well-being and protection of the rights of new immigrants and aims to provide them with better living conditions. The legislation would be [...]


US President Biden on Friday signed into law the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act. The bill declares Congress’s position that Tibetans have a “religious, cultural, linguistic, and historical identity” distinct from the Chinese people which the Chinese government undermines by its claims and penalizes by its rights violations of Tibetans. Congress found [...]


Chinese and Russian naval forces began a joint exercise at a southern Chinese military port, the spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, Zhang Xiaogang, announced Friday. The annual “Maritime Joint-2024” exercise, agreed upon by both nations, is taking place near Zhanjiang until mid-July. Its stated objectives include demonstrating the partners’ ability to address maritime [...]


The Philippine Senate ordered the arrest of a small-town mayor on Thursday who failed to attend hearings probing her suspected connections to Chinese criminal networks. The Senate president signed the arrest order, authorizing the Senate’s sergeant-at-arms to detain Mayor Alice Guo, also known as Guo Hua Ping, after she missed a second consecutive hearing on [...]