Search Results for: Chad

The Chadian public prosecutor confirmed the death of opposition leader Yaya Dillo on Thursday at the High Court of N’Djamena, according to local news outlet Al Wihda. Dillo served as the president of the Socialist Party Without Borders (PSF), the main opposition party in Chad. His death comes amidst social unrest surrounding Chad’s upcoming presidential [...]


The United Nations (UN) deployed peacekeepers to the northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR) after a deadly attack last week that killed 23 civilians. According to a Wednesday report from the UN, the 3R rebel group was allegedly responsible for the attack which occurred in the Nzakoundou village. The peacekeepers were sent to “strengthen [...]


The Chadian National Commission in charge of the Organisation of the Constitutional Referendum (CONOREC) announced the new constitution will be adopted after an 86 percent vote in favour of the referendum, with a participation of 63,75 percent, in a ceremony for results proclamation Sunday. The draft of the proposed constitution was adopted in June by [...]


Chad declared four Sudanese diplomats “persona non grata” on Sunday and ordered them to leave the country within 72 hours in response to a statement from Yasser Al-Atta, a member of the Sudanese Sovereign Council and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, which alleged the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had been interfering with the ongoing Sudanese [...]


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Thursday told Reuters approximately 700 casualties occurred in the wake of clashes between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the city of El Geneina on November 4 and 5. The IOM further revealed that a hundred individuals were injured, and an additional 300 [...]


An expert with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) described on Tuesday the worsening situation in Sudan as a “significant humanitarian crisis.” Director of the External Relations Department for the UNHCR Dominique Hyde explained in a press briefing how the ongoing conflict has resulted in increased violence and significant distress among the country’s population. Hyde expressed [...]


A group of 50 human rights organizations sounded the alarm Tuesday over the ongoing Sudan conflict’s severe humanitarian impact and called on the UN to take decisive action. The organizations released their statement as the UN Security Council met to discuss the ongoing situation in Sudan and South Sudan. The organizations are urging a unified approach [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) leveled allegations Thursday of systemic sexual abuse against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and their linked groups, alleging widespread rape and sexual abuse against children and women in El Geneina, West Darfur, as well as those seeking sanctuary in Chad. The victims are mostly Massalits, members of a non-Arab ethnic group [...]


Africa News and the Associated Press reported Sunday that many refugees who crossed Sudan’s northeast border this month into Libya are asking the UN for better support amid reports of delays and inadequate shelter. The refugees seek safety from a conflict that has displaced millions. When the Rapid Support Forces (RAF), a paramilitary group led [...]