JURIST Guest Columnist Veronica Reyes of St. John's University School of Law, Class of 2016, is the tenth author in a twelve-part series from the staffers of the Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development. Reyes discusses why warrantless searches of...
Search Results for: Cassandra Baubie
JURIST Guest Columnist Maya Manian of the University of San Francisco School of Law discusses the debate over abortion laws and how the future of a woman's right to choose resides with the Supreme Court as they are set...
A Child-Centered View of Foster Parenting by Same-Sex Couples
JURIST Guest Columnist James Dwyer of the College of William & Mary School of Law discusses the controversy surrounding recent removal of a foster child from a same-sex couple...A November foster care review hearing in Utah captured national news...
Here We Go Again: Another ACA Legal Challenge of Questionable Merit
JURIST Guest Columnist Robert Field of the Drexel University Kline School of Law discusses the controversy surrounding the latest challenges to the Affordable Care Act ...The barrage of lawsuits challenging the Affordable Care Act (ACA) shows no signs of...
Innocence, Experimentation and Executions in Oklahoma and Beyond
JURIST Guest Columnist Meghan J. Ryan of Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law discusses the controversy surrounding Richard Eugene Glossip's Oklahoma death penalty sentence... The recent activity surrounding the scheduled execution of Oklahoma's Richard Eugene Glossip has once again...
DOJ's New "Individual Accountability" Policy Pits Employers Against Employees
JURIST Guest Columnist Katrice Bridges Copeland of Penn State Law at University Park discusses the controversy surrounding the Department of Justices' failure to prosecute corporations and those associated with corporate fraud following the Financial Crisis of 2008... The Department of...
JURIST Guest Columnist David Christensen from Christensen Law discusses the impact of spousal benefits on the LGBT community...When the US Supreme Court ruled that states could not ban gay marriage earlier this year, it did more than just given them...
US Military Deliberately Neglects PTSD-Inflicted Veterans: The Need for Reform
JURIST Guest Columnist Devin Cohen from St. John's University School of Law Class of 2016, is the first author in a twelve-part series from the staffers of the Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development. Cohen discusses the problems surrounding...
The Toshiba Corporate Governance Scandal: How Can Japanese Corporate Governance be Fixed?
JURIST Guest Columnist Bruce Aronson of Hitotsubashi University's Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy discusses the controversy surrounding Japanese corporate governance practices...A third-party investigative report released on July 20, 2015, found that Toshiba Corporation had padded its profits by $1.2...
JURIST Guest Columnist Peter Hammer, of Wayne State University Law School, discusses the controversy surrounding Caitlyn Jenner and rights for transgender individuals...Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up, and so the door of my heart...