Search Results for: Alix Ware

JURIST Guest Columnist Anne Herzberg of NGO Monitor reviews the recent article, "Unsettled: A Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territory"...Article 49(6) of the Fourth Geneva Convention is the most cited legal provision invoked by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the UN...


JURIST Guest Columnists Greg Barns of RMIT University Graduate School of Business and Law and Anna Talbot of Australian Lawyers Alliance discuss the need for improved policies regarding refugees in Australia... On Tuesday Australia’s Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, stood in...


JURIST Guest Columnist Kami N. Chavis of Wake Forest University School of Law discusses the recent proposals to add police officers to hate crime statutes... In May, the state of Louisiana enacted a law that would make it hate crime...


JURIST Guest Columnist Jessica Henry of Montclair State University discusses the recent additions to Louisiana's hate crime legislation...Last month, Louisiana passed a "Blue Lives Matter" amendment to its hate crime statute. Under the newly-amended law, it is now a hate...


JURIST Guest Columnist Tim Lynch of The Cato Institute discusses the right of defendants to choose between a trial by jury or trial by judge...Trial by jury is one of the most celebrated rights in the American Constitution, but what...