Search Results for: 2015-01-28

China Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong accused the US on Sunday of undermining security in the South China Sea, citing the extraterritorial forces led by the United States pushing forward military deployments and operations in the region. After attending a series of senior officials’ meetings on East Asian cooperation, Sun told the reporters that China [...]


Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview with a state-run television channel on Wednesday that the government would shortly submit legislation allowing same-sex civil marriages, despite reservations from the Orthodox Church and some lawmakers.  Mitsotakis vowed to eliminate any discrimination based on sexual orientation in marriages. He added that “marriage equality has already [...]


Editors’ note: Amid surging violence between Hamas and Israeli forces, JURIST is seeking perspectives from around the world. Neither this nor other commentaries in this series constitute JURIST editorial policy, nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team. The 21st century is marked by globalization and Americanization, with transnational law under US [...]


The conflict that erupted in April between the Sudanese National Army and the Rapid Support Forces wreaked havoc on Sudan, and has ultimately taken an appalling toll. Thousands were killed and millions displaced. Buildings were burned and infrastructure lay in ruins, instilling fear of a spiraling descent into a full-scale civil war. Even before the warfare [...]


With the stroke of his pen, California Governor Gavin Newsom could have a significant impact on the death penalty across the US. Though Newsom lacks the power to end capital punishment in California, he could take executive action to commute the sentences of the roughly 700 condemned awaiting execution in in the state—a death row figure [...]


The Russian Ministry of Justice designated Dmitry Muratov, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and reputed journalist, as a ‘foreign agent‘ on Friday. This classification was justified on the grounds that Muratov “used foreign platforms to disseminate opinions aimed at forming a negative attitude towards the foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation.” The “foreign [...]


The war that broke out in Sudan on April 15 between the Sudanese National Army and the Rapid Support Forces militia has left hitherto thousands dead and injured, in addition to the destruction of buildings and infrastructure, with many fearing the whole country might be heading into a civil war. As the violations of the [...]


The Organization of American States’ (OAS) was presented with a crucial opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to democracy last month, as its Permanent Council turned its attention towards Haiti. The nation’s current crisis is one that is directly connected to the actions taken by members of its ruling Tèt Kale party (PHTK), which for the [...]